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PDS has been informed by multiple technology manufacturers that prices are subject to rapid and unannounced fluctuations due to various factors, including component availability, and both U.S. and foreign tariffs. Pricing is fluid, PDS will make every effort to honor the pricing quoted, however we are unable to guarantee prices beyond the expiration date. This circumstance is not unique to PDS; it is a pervasive issue within the industry.
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Use of this site is restricted to authorized users determined by Paragon Development Systems, Inc. User activity is monitored and logged accordingly. By logging on to this site, you are consenting to have your activity monitored. If you use this site for criminal activity, information may be provided to law enforcement officials, resulting in criminal and/or civil prosecution.

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To get full access to the Shop PDS site, use the Request Account button below, or call a PDS sales representative at 800-966-6090, or email salesinfo@pdspc.com.